Apostrophe s' or s's - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Nov 28, 2019 · In this sentence should I use Apostrophe as s's or s'? I am always confused with what exactly the rule behind s' and s's. The sentence is: Hours later Fadnavis's resignation, the the NCP-Congress
Possessive case for a certain proper noun - ss apostrophe
Jul 23, 2014 · This is a style issue, not a matter of objective correctness or incorrectness. Having said that, I note the advice that various style manuals offer. From Words Into Type (1974): Proper names. The possessive form of almost all proper names is formed by adding apostrophe and s to a singular or apostrophe alone to a plural. By this style rule, you would express the plural of …
pronunciation - What's the rule for pronouncing “’s” as /z/ or /s ...
Feb 18, 2016 · Is there a hard rule for what sound the 's makes? In words like John's, Dave's, man's, lord's, etc. it makes a /z/ sound, but in words like that's, it's, ship's, poet's, etc., it makes an /s/ sound.
English notation for hour, minutes and seconds
May 17, 2013 · The ' and " are widely used in maps. They're hardly ever used to indicate time anymore. If you use them, be prepared for some strange looks. The best option is hh:mm:ss. If you're only showing a pair of digits, the context will tell the reader whether it's hh:mm or mm:ss. You can also suffix the digits with the unit, such as 1h 12m 23s but this gets long and if you're …
Is there a more polite or less vulgar, but still rude, way to say ...
Oct 11, 2017 · This is good. I can put a pause right before the word "ego", so that anyone familiar with the phrase will expect the cuss and then be surprised as you say. But there will be all the negative connotations associated with "ego" and "ass", which will give exactly the impressions I'm intended which actually adds to meaning more than simple substitution. This is better than …
articles - Rule for using "the" with nationality - English Language ...
Jun 30, 2017 · I think your teacher, might have been referring to adjectives used to represent a distinct population. For example, the Swiss, the Japanese, the French, and the Irish, but the same is true for any nationality: the Brazilians, the Swedes, the Germans etc. Maybe the lesson was focussed on nationalities ending with "sh", "se" (S sound), "ss" and "ch" because the plural …
What is the correct way to pluralize an acronym / initialism?
Some people claim uppercase letters don't need the apostrophe. As As, Is, Os, and Us form words when Ss are appended, I think that notion is silly.
What does the British idiom "taking the piss" mean?
Btw, I couldn't find any guidelines for a vulgarity threshold, and other questions have already used this word, so I didn't obscure it, e.g. "p*ss".
punctuation - What's the difference between using single and …
Sep 27, 2010 · According to the The Oxford Guide to Style British usage of single vs double inverted commas differs from the US one: Quotation marks, also called 'inverted commas', are of two types: single and double. British practice is normally to enclose quoted matter between single quotation marks, and to use double quotation marks for a quotation within a quotation: 'Have …
abbreviation of units of measure: 'hours' vs. 'minutes'
Sep 3, 2013 · The abbreviation for ‘hours’ is hrs. The one for "Minute" is 'min'. It is a unit of measure, which have standard abbreviations, and they do not change in plural nor have a final period. So, the co...