Our national bird as it appeared when handed to James Buchanan…
The iconic national bird, representing the Union, is strong and healthy at the beginning of Democrat James Buchanan’s administration, but by the time Republican Abraham Lincoln assumed the Presidency, it is gaunt and emaciated reflecting the secession of …
You are here - Library Company of Philadelphia
Cartoon satirizing politicians' support of James Buchanan and the Democratic platform of 1856. Depicts Buchanan as "the platform" of his party prostrate across the backs of the kneeling antislavery advocate Senator Thomas Benton ("Old Bullion"), President Franklin Pierce ("Franklin the last"), and son of Martin Van Buren, John Van Buren ...
Political Cartoons Collection
Antislavery cartoon criticizing presidential nominees James Buchanan and John C. Breckenridge's support of pro-slavery forces over freesoilers in the violent political struggle in "Bleeding Kansas" during the Democratic Convention of 1856 in Cincinnati.
The Great Presidential Race of 1856 - National Museum of American History
This political cartoon satirizes the Presidential race of 1856, depicting it as a horse race. In the center, James Buchanan, dressed as a jockey, has been unseated from his mount, a buck with the head of his running mate, John C. Breckinridge.
“The Political Quadrille”: The Subversion of Social Roles Through …
Nov 7, 2022 · In the upper left, Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge is shown arm in arm with his political ally and the incumbent president, James Buchanan.1 Nicknamed “Buck”, Buchanan is depicted with horns, adding a touch of fantasy to the image, perhaps to remind readers that the cartoon is not quite serious.
Our national bird as it appeared when handed to James Buch
This political cartoon highlights the rising tensions over statesâ rights during the antebellum period and the ultimate dissolution of the Union in 1861. The fact that Buchananâs administration was riddled with corruption and charges of bribery and graft, only worsened the toll that years fighting over slavery and statesâ rights had taken on ...
Witty political cartoon attacking the legacy of the Buchanan ...
An elegantly-vicious political cartoon attacking the damage done by James Buchanan’s ineffectual administration in the years leading up to the Civil War. The Buchanan Administration (1857-1861) is generally viewed as a disaster.
James Buchanan · Presidential Campaigns: A Cartoon History, …
“James Buchanan,” Presidential Campaigns: A Cartoon History, 1789-1976, accessed October 3, 2024, https://collections.libraries.indiana.edu/presidentialcartoons/items/show/342.
The folly of secession - Library of Congress
The cartoon no doubt refers to South Carolina governor Francis Pickens's attempts early in 1861 to attract other Southern states to the secessionist cause. The artist clearly sympathizes with James Buchanan's efforts to preserve the Union.
James Buchanan and Slavery 5 - White House Historical Association
1861 political cartoon of Buchanan surrendering to South Carolina's Governor Pickens with Fort Sumter in the background.
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