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  1. Copilot Answer

    The use of film as an art form traces its origins to several earlier traditions in the arts such as (oral) storytelling, literature, theatre and visual arts. Cantastoria and similar ancient traditions combined storytelling … See more

    Novelty era (1890s – early 1900s)

    Throughout the late 19th century, several inventors such as Wordsworth Donisthorpe, Louis Le Prince, William Friese-Greene, and the Skladanowsky brothers made pioneering contributions to the development of devices t… See more

    Continued international growth (1900s–1910s)

    With the worldwide film boom, more countries now joined Britain, France, Germany and the United States in serious film production. In Italy, production was spread over several centers, Turin was the first major fi… See more


    At the start of the First World War, French and Italian cinema had been the most globally popular. The war came as a devastating interruption to European film industries.
    Throughou… See more