India on Thursday became the fourth country to successfully achieve an unmanned docking in space, a feat seen as pivotal for future missions as New Delhi cements its place as a global space power.
The Indian Space Research Organization's twin SpaDeX satellites will try to dock in orbit on tonight at around 9:30 p.m. EST (0230 Jan. 9 GMT/0800 IST).
The two satellites of the Indian Space Research Organization 's (ISRO) Space Docking Experiment, or SpaDex, successfully met ...
India has achieved a significant milestone by joining the elite group of nations capable of performing space docking. The ...
The Indian Space Research Organization successfully conducted an uncrewed docking in space, making India the fourth country ...
India has become the fourth country in the world to successfully achieve an unmanned docking in space following the US, ...
This was originally published in the India File newsletter, which is issued every Tuesday. Sign up here to get latest news ...
The Space Docking process was one of the primary goals of ISRO's SpaDeX Mission, which was launched on December 31. PM Modi ...
Tirupati: India broke through into a select club of the US, Russia and China when the Indian Space Research Organisation ...
India becomes the fourth nation to achieve unmanned space docking, enhancing its global space power status for future ...
In its first, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Thursday morning announced that the much-awaited satellite ...
India has achieved a significant milestone by joining the elite group of nations capable of performing space docking. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully completed the Space ...