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Local trainer Oscar Smith is recovering from a fire that damaged his studio. Plus moonGarden at the Seaport; STEM queen in BPC; free Sundays at the 9/11 Museum.
An art installation? free therapy sessions? an advertisement for octogenarians? pops up in Bogardus every once in a while — the idea of an Upper Westsider who had an awesome grandmother.
Whitening Bar NYC, a teeth whitening service, has taken part of the space at 157 Chambers, between Greenwich and Hudson on the north side– the former smoke shop. The owner is Bella Kavasov, who has ...
The tallest Holiday Inn in the world has been used to house migrants for the past two years. The other shelter, at 52 William ...
For longtime Tribecan (since 1998) Jupira Lee, this new restaurant is a sort of homecoming. She had Casa on the tucked-away ...
Plus plans underway for the country’s semiquincentennial; survivor stories at the Museum of Jewish Heritage; Tribeca in India.
G. and N. sent over these cool shots of ice floes on the Hudson. Always comforting to see winter doing its thing once in a while. Plus I love to think about this ice travelling down from Troy or even ...
A mom devoted to her “backyard” has created patches for each of the local Downtown playgrounds so kids can collect their favorites.
The victims and family members of the 1975 bombing of Fraunces Tavern are joining law enforcement to hold a press conference today to demand the extradition of terrorists from Cuba on the event’s 50th ...
I spoke to longtime Tribeca fitness trainer Oscar Smith, whose business has been in the basement since 2011. He found out ...