CNN anchor Kasie Hunt reported on the latest CNN poll out on Wednesday showing President Donald Trump with his lowest rating ...
Hunt compounded the awkwardness of the moment at one point when she laughed at something Tapper said that the audience was ...
who correctly called the inflationary spike that marred Biden’s presidency, struck an ominous note Monday as he signed off after an interview with CNN’s Kasie Hunt.
Kasie Hunt (@kasie) begins a new role in The Arena this month on CNN, weekdays at 4 p.m. CNN's The Arena with Kasie Hunt ...
“Notice the fix this puts him in,” the Democrat told CNN’s Kasie Hunt on the inaugural edition of her new show “The Arena.” “Remember, he (was) saying on day one he would lower prices ...
CNN commentator Scott Jennings shares news with panelists that he has over two dozen chickens that lay eggs. CNN host Kasie Hunt asks: "Seriously, is this realistic? Like, is this a realistic solution ...
Mass., on her new show Monday and asked the lawmaker why she believed Democrats lost to President Donald Trump.
Rahel Solomon is the new anchor of CNN's 'Early Start,' a 5 a.m. news show now streaming on CNN, CNNi and CNN Max. Here are ...
CNN’s Kasie Hunt wondered why "for some reason" some people believed President Donald Trump over the Democratic Party in the 2024 election. Hunt debuted her new show "The Arena with Kasie Hunt ...