Con-woman Nicole Elkabbas faked cancer and cheated nearly 700 people out thousand of dollars via generous donations ...
New magnetic nanoparticles in the shape of a cube sandwiched between two pyramids represent a breakthrough for treating ovarian tumors and possibly other types of cancer, according to the Oregon State ...
Maintenance with niraparib and bevacizumab can be effective in patients with platinum-sensitive, recurrent ovarian cancer previously treated with a PARP inhibitor.
Adding afuresertib to paclitaxel did not improve outcomes in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer in a phase 2 trial.
Rachael Misfud, 38, was diagnosed with cancer nine months after being waitlisted for what was thought to be a benign cyst ...
A clinician nudge for referral to a gynecologic oncologist at the time of suspected ovarian cancer diagnosis improved ...
Toon Van Gorp, MD, PhD, discussed findings from the MIRASOL trial and the potential of mirvetuximab to redefine treatment ...
A major biotech breakthrough is happening in New Orleans. Beken Bio, a biotech startup company that is soon to be based at ...
A new study suggests that moving more and sitting less can help older women who have survived cancer live longer and reduce ...
By unraveling the complex choreography of cellular machinery, Michigan State University researchers are helping identify the ...
These names in the biotech sector are seeing a substantial increase in search activity today, as determined by InvestingChannel. They include: ...