Taylor Moon Reiki, a leading holistic healing center, expands its services with new workshops, certification programs, and virtual offerings while receiving the Best Reiki Practitioner & Holistic ...
Astrology devotees believe that Mercury retrograde disrupts communication, technology and travel. To counterbalance that ...
The Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI) is excited to welcome Denise Scholes, Neuroenergetic Kinesiologist and owner of Core Light Connection, as its newest tenant. Denise specializes in holistic ...
Chakras, or energy centers in the body, impact physical, mental, and spiritual health. The basic chakra, located at the spine ...
Twin hearts meditation is gaining attention for its ability to sharpen focus enhance emotional resilience and promote quicker ...
Not to be outdone, Bodyism, the uber-chic Notting Hill gym, has tapped healer and facialist Holly Warren to clear energetic ...
Naruto underwent grueling training on Mount Myboku, where he learned to become one with nature itself and perfectly balance ...
Kaushik says to keep the energy flowing in the right direction, you should adopt a few spiritual practices — namely spending ...
Lately I have been having bad dreams and not being able to sleep without waking up scared. Can my loved ones come through in ...
Chakra mantras are single-syllable sounds that activate the chakras. Repeating a mantra deepens the soul and sustains ...
Whether you like an action-packed, nonstop vacation or a more relaxing, slow-paced escape (or a little of both), in all ...
When your sacral chakra is out of balance, it can manifest as various physical, emotional and mental challenges. Here's how to heal it.