Several environmental protection groups are suing the Trump administration after its executive order to increase offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean.
A new method of tracking the dietary habits and contaminant exposure of animals in Arctic marine ecosystems is providing critical insights as climate change reshapes the region's food web.
An explosive crash between an oil tanker and a cargo ship in the North Sea could have huge consequences for ecologically and ...
Plot and compare different years and ranges. Obtain daily sea ice extent values, ranges, and median values for the Arctic or the Antarctic. Analyze monthly-averaged or daily sea ice extent and ...
“What’s happening is the Arctic is warming two to three times ... "And that pushes bears too hard, when they’re on ice they’re hunting seals, gaining fat, getting big and when they come ...
The Great Seal of the Realm is the chief seal of the Crown, used to show the monarch's approval of important State documents. In today's constitutional monarchy, the Sovereign acts on the advice of ...
Arctic communities have long been noticing changes in the sea ice across Alaska, with ice setting up later most years and proving less dependable throughout the winter many years. The impacts have ...
My arctic canoe adventure was going great till I got mixed up ... I had several packs of dehydrated foods, some caribou jerky, part of a seal, and the bear. I could make it for a long time. I also had ...
US and Russia are exploring economic cooperation in the Arctic. Discussions include natural resources, energy exploration, and trade routes. This comes as Trump seeks to end the war in Ukraine through ...
US, Russia Mull Cooperation on Arctic Trade Routes, Exploration US warned of Moscow and Beijing aligning on Arctic issues Refresh of relations come as Trump seeks to end war in Ukraine ...
Killer whales, also known as orcas, have officially made the Arctic Ocean their home — something that was nearly impossible until now. Historically, thick ice sheets blocked the whales from venturing ...
Clear skies through this week and yo-yoing winds could yet bring a last flavour of the Arctic, experts warn. McGivern said: “I suspect the winds won’t always be exactly westerly, sometimes they will ...