Stiri si informatii bursiere despre actiuni, activitatea bursa bucuresti BVB, cotatii si raportari emitenti, evolutii BET si ...
He spent 15 years editing the likes of CNET, Gizmodo, and Engadget. Framework has done it again — it’s built a new AMD-powered modular computer that fits into any previous version of its 13 ...
AMD is keeping its Zen 3 architecture alive with six newly spotted processors aimed at budget-conscious buyers. The Ryzen 3 5305G, Ryzen 3 5305GE, Ryzen 5 5605G, Ryzen 5 5605GE, Ryzen 7 5705G, and ...
O femeie care È™i-a spălat copilul de numai un an în zăpadă È™i a postat secvenÈ›a pe o reÈ›ea de socializare s-a ales cu dosar penal pentru rele tratamente aplicate minorului. Cristina Dobre, Daniel ...
I’m one of the consumer PC experts at PCMag, with a particular love for PC gaming. I've played games on my computer for as long as I can remember, which eventually (as it does for many) led me ...
Cutting corners: Researchers at Imperial College London say an artificial intelligence-based science tool created by Google needed just 48 hours to solve a problem that took them roughly a decade ...
In 2019, AMD started a new paradigm in processor design, with its Zen 2 architecture and the use of chiplets. Since then, every CCD or Core Complex Die has been home to eight cores—no more ...
Vremea se va menÅ£ine deosebit de rece în BucureÅŸti, cu valori maxime de temperatură negative ÅŸi ninsori ce vor depune strat consistent de zăpadă, arată prognoza AdministraÅ£iei NaÅ£ionale de ...
No, statistically, you (like most people) will probably end up buying one of the more affordable midrange Nvidia or AMD cards, GPUs that are all slated to begin shipping later this month or early ...
Centrul comercial Veranda Mall, cu acÅ£ionari precum familia Pogonaru, fraÅ£ii Pavăl (proprietarii Dedeman), Evergent ÅŸi Erste Bank, a fost scos la vânzare ÅŸi a intrat pe radarul de interes al ...
PLITCH, software-ul cu ajutorul căruia gamerii îÈ™i pot personaliza experienÈ›a în jocurile single-player, este disponibil… ...