What were 374Water’s origins? Mr. Gannon: 374Water was originally founded at Duke University, where a brilliant professor by the name of Marc Deshusses invented our AirSCWO technology. At the time, ...
Let’s start with an introduction of sorts to Berry. The company has a more-than-100-year history, but could you review the important points in its recent history, as well as an overview of the company ...
TWST: Is there anything you want to note about your coverage research focus to start? Mr. Hallead: I’m the Head of Global Energy Research ...
Can you please share an overview of the company? Mr. Sceli: Sure. Westport Fuel Systems is a Canadian business, traded both on the TSX and the NASDAQ. We are made up of three basic key units. The ...
Please start with a brief look at your role at Gabelli, the subsectors, and the three utility funds you co-manage. Mr. Winter: I am a portfolio manager and utility analyst at Gabelli Funds. I ...
Could you please start with an introduction to your recent new role at Raymond James? What do you exactly do now? Mr. Molchanov: I have been at Raymond James since 2003, and I started a new, somewhat ...
For those who haven’t seen last year’s interview with The Wall Street Transcript, could you give us a brief introduction to Lifezone Metals, including the mission of the company and the services it ...
We’ve spoken before, but can you please give our readers a brief refresher on the company and how it’s evolved over the years? Mr. Deitrich: Itron is focused on providing technology and services to ...