Actress Zoe Saldana shared a joyful celebration of her Oscar nomination in a heartwarming series of family photos on Instagram. The 46-year-old is nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her role in ...
Kylie Jenner boyfriend Timothée Chalamet made a shocking confession about award shows during a recent appearance in Saturday ...
'The Social Network' made its stars into A-listers back in 2010. Find out what they're up to today.
The house’s new high jewelry collection includes honeybees and beetles; Cartier, Dior and others have been inspired by nature, too.
Kylie Jenner posted a new look from her clothing brand Khy, showing off a stunning black leather bra under a matching trench ...
It may have been embraced by the Academy, but just a day after its debut in Mexico, the acclaimed “narco-musical” Emilia ...
The director explains his approach to covering five of the show's most infamous performances for the epic Ladies & Gentlemen.