Never was Marx’s dictum more apposite: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.” [ ‘Nobody flees without serious reasons’: Famine walkers urge compassion for today’s ...
St. Patrick’s Day offers an annual reminder that, in terms of ancestry, no US state is quite as Irish as New Hampshire — not ...
Many people will be surprised to hear that Claddagh rings were once practically exclusive to rich landlords during The Great Famine.
The Catholic Church needs heroes like never before, and Bishop Michael Power of Toronto who was placed on the path to ...
Within the ice fields of Mount Kilimanjaro, scientists have made an amazing find: they’ve discovered proof of a drought so ...
The Cold War era was marked by political tension, espionage, and a nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet ...
By Paul A. Tenkotte Special to NKyTribune St. Patrick’s Day is one of Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky’s favorite celebrations.
When Donald Trump invoked the 227-year-old Alien Enemies Act to deport alleged Venezuelan gang members this weekend, I had ...
Traditionally, the Left claims that it supports the weak, champions the case of the oppressed and carries the banner of ...
While some might mark Paddy's Day with a roast or a dinner of bacon and cabbage, there is no signature meal associated with ...
“Something we've never seen, I think in the history of international cooperation ... dead by the end of the year from a combination of famine and disease, citing the discontinuation of programs ...
On the non-fiction shelves you’ll find memoirs by Claire Cameron, Susan Swan and Tessa McWatt; a timely biography of Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, an account of one of Canada’s deadliest ...