Because it decays slowly — with a half-life of 5,730 years — a radiocarbon battery could theoretically last millennia. That’s ...
The world’s tiniest flower is headed for new frontiers. A rose could potentially store electricity. Here’s the latest in ...
The minister said that steadily, every year, newer items were given tariff reductions keeping in mind the goal of making the ...
Apple is reportedly planning to use liquid metal for the hinge, a move that could significantly improve the device’s ...
The Samsung M14 panel in the iPhone 16 Pro also offered other benefits. This included a more durable panel structure, which ...
As nuclear energy gains public acceptance, compact nuclear batteries could bring "safe nuclear energy into devices the size of a finger.
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Yonsei University researchers have provided new experimental evidence for electronic rotons and their connection to Wigner crystallization in a two-dimensional system. Using angle-resolved ...
In saying the quiet part out loud, Rivian recently announced as well that they’re spinning off a micromobility company called ...
While that would offer better strength than titanium, it is also speculated to be even sturdier than the hinge found in ...
Speech by Environment Secretary Steve Reed at the Dock Shed in London, setting out his vision for a circular economy Thanks to British Land and Mace ...
The power-saving mode on a smartphone can be turned on permanently without harming the battery. What are its benefits and how ...