Beginning in the 2025-26 academic year, SBCSC will increase the number of full-day Pre-K classes from 9 to 19 at 14 different elementary schools in the district.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - The Universal Pre-K Funding Act failed in the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday. SB 0270 / HB ...
A possible plan to retain the pre-kindergarten French immersion program at Myrtle Place Elementary School is giving parents ...
The South Bend Community School Corporation announced the expansion of its Pre-K programs for the 2025-26 school year.
WASHINGTON COUNTY, Ohio (WTAP) - According to article from Georgetown University in 2022, studies shown that a strong pre-K ...
A reminder for parents, now is the time to enroll your child in preschool.The state has announced record enrollment in its f ...
The proposal would introduce a new universal pre-K program across TN, meant to support working families and improve young ...
Parents and staff said they were caught off guard and left out to dry when the United Methodist Church of Seaford Board of ...
Lamar Consolidated ISD officials expect nearly 500 students will enroll in this year’s pre-K and kindergarten emergent ...
The N.C. Division of Childhood Development and Early Education found evidence of children being kicked, treated roughly.