About 20 vloggers accused of spreading fake news online are being probed by the National Bureau of Investigation .
A police vlogger is facing charges of sedition and cyber crime before the Quezon City Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday for ...
At least 11 social media personalities and vloggers may face possible contempt—including former Communications Secretary ...
Vloggers and social media personalities may be cited for contempt if they continue to skip the House of Representatives tri-committee’s next hearing, ranking lawmakers ...
Unlike the West, where mainstream journalism still holds strong sway, social media in the Philippines is king. Western media ...
The Philippine National Police (PNP) is now preparing a string of criminal and administrative charges against a Quezon City ...
The National Bureau of Investigation is keeping an eye on 20 vloggers accused of spreading fake news online, with two already facing arrest warrants.
Amid the intense political tension that erupted following the arrest of former president Rodrigo Duterte last week, rumors of ...
Napolcom said that it has filed a grave misconduct case and conduct unbecoming of a police officer against Fontillas after conducting their own investigation on the matter.