A bill criminalizing reckless laser use at vehicle operators is headed to the governor's desk for his signature.
The Midlothian ISD Board of Trustees held a budget workshop March 3 to discuss the financial outlook for the upcoming fiscal year and explore potential strategies to ensure the district's financial ...
So you can apply for your magnet schools your schools of choice or for a transfer," said Jill McCall, MISD Executive Director of Student Services. "If you want to go to your zone- school you don ...
MIDLAND, Texas — The Midland Independent School District (MISD) announced Sunday that enrollment and satisfaction is up across the district according to an MISD news release. MISD said the ...
The Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) has awarded MISD the Award of Excellence in Financial Management and the Award of Merit for Purchasing Operations, making the district ...
This accelerated course is free for MISD students, carries GPA credit, and requires no prerequisites, making it accessible to those interested in working towards a welding certification ...