Jani Nyman pääsi tekemään NHL-debyyttinsä menneellä viikolla. Ville Koivunen odottaa sitä yhä. Mutta sen odotuksen ohessa Koivunen tekee hurjaa jälkeä AHL:ssä. Pittsburgh Penguinsin ...
British heavyweight Joe Joyce will face replacement opponent Filip Hrgovic on 5 April at Manchester's Co-op Live arena. Joyce, 39, was originally scheduled to fight Dillian Whyte before the ...
Dave Joyce next year. O’Neill, a 77-year-old Chagrin Falls resident, will face an uphill battle to unseat Joyce, who has never faced serious opposition during his seven terms representing Ohio ...
Kalinaisen kohtaloksi koituivat väärät vastaukset inkivääri, pellava ja kaura, ja Koivunen voitti 5–3. – Kun näin pöydän, olin ihan kauhuissani, koska huomasin niin monta esinettä, mitä en tiedä, ja ...
Meyer said she tried several times to help her brother but he kept running away. During one point in his life, he received employment under Joyce Meyer and worked there for a few years until he was ...