Seventy years later, “Mr. Network” is retiring as a principal engineer for the utility. Most people don’t hold the same job that long. Many don’t live that long. On Friday, Georgia Power will honor ...
One such document is practically legendary: “From Dictatorship to Democracy” by Gene Sharp. It's been translated into 34 languages — including Georgian, Armenian, and Turkish — and has become the de ...
From surprising squirrel migrations to islands popping up out of nowhere, the organization’s scientists tracked strange ...
The Soviet Union stretched across Asia and Europe and ruled more than 15 republics. Unfortunately, the era of centralized ...
Between her first marathon in 2017 and 2019, she’d slashed her marathon time by 35 minutes—from 4:14 to 3:39—and was ...
Users can also drill down further to see the total number of outages by state, county and company. Altogether, the map ... Georgia Tech professor of electrical engineering who studies the US power ...
Editor's note: This story originally reported the grandmother's age as 81, family later clarified ... after severe storms brought down a tree down through her bedroom. Kaley York told 11Alive ...
Barnes amassed one of the world’s greatest private collections of modern European artwork—more Cézannes (69) and Renoirs (an ...
It's time for the largest celebration in Savannah. Stay tuned for St. Patrick's Day updates from the parade, river street and more.
The third in the Six Nations era to touch down in every match ... will be a worry until it can refresh its bench with the ...
The anti-diversity initiatives are visible in the chamber. Trump removed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q.
The Democratic Party is furious at Schumer and is having difficulties adjusting to the hard realities of the second Trump term.