The discovery of a new preclinical compound with strong antifungal activity against multidrug-resistant pathogens is ...
Characteristics of social immune memory were observed in colonies of Atta sexdens exposed to four different pathogenic fungi.
Onda and Citribel announced the publication of new research highlighting the potential of fungi-derived feed ingredients to protect farmed salmon from harmful pathogens ...
Fungi can keep us healthy or cause disease. As climate change drives fungi to adapt, their impact on our health is changing.
Leafcutter ants appear to remember past infections and respond more aggressively to familiar threats, according to a new ...
A study conducted by researchers from São Paulo State University (UNESP), in Brazil, and collaborators shows that lemon ...
A bacterium makes a molecule that kills drug-resistant fungi in an unusual way — by targeting various phospholipid molecules ...
Mandimycin is structurally similar to the last-line-of-defense antifungal amphotericin B, another glycosylated polyene ...
A study conducted by researchers from São Paulo State University (UNESP), in Brazil, and collaborators shows that lemon leafcutter ants (Atta sexdens ...
Athlete’s foot is a contagious fungal infection that primarily affects the spaces between the toes and the soles of the feet. In severe cases, it can also spread to the arches of the feet. If the ...