Close to 3,000 Entergy and DEMCO customers in the Baton Rouge area were without power Monday morning, as a storm moved ...
The Woodlands Township board is looking at ways to address growing cell service issues, directing staff to begin pursuing a plan for bringing more cell towers into The Woodlands on March 26.
BEAUMONT, Texas — A line of thunderstorms that passed through Southeast Texas early Monday morning knocked out electricity to ...
CRESCENT CITY COIN CLUB SHOW: The Crescent City Coin Club will host a show March 29, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at The Landing Ballroom, ...
Entergy is proud to announce the launch of its Power Your Future Scholarship program, designed to support current college ...
In response to the recent tornadoes that devastated several counties in Entergy Mississippi’s service area, the company is ...
The hearing was held as part of Entergy's request to allow it to build three new natural gas-fired power plants for the ...
LA 74 in Ascension Parish will have alternating lane closures until April 18 due to Entergy utility work; plan for delays ...