Speaking on David Tennant Does a Podcast With…, Davies told the former Doctor actor: “That was my best decision, to stick to the Daleks. They weren’t allowed to change their proportions at all.
Think a Dalek’s just a pepperpot with a plunger and a gunstick? Think again! For more awesome content, check out: https://whatculture.com/topic/doctor-who 10 Huge ...
San Diego fans of the long-running BBC sci-fi series “Doctor Who” can step inside the TARDIS, get face-to-face with a Dalek and see various versions of the Sonic Screwdriver when the touring ...
Susan travels with the First Doctor, Susan, and Ian in the TARDIS for the earliest installments of Doctor Who, before making ...
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All titles are available on both DVD and Blu-ray unless otherwise noted.