Cell is one of Dragon Ball's most popular villains, and though fans continue to sing his praises, the anime's staff never ...
The legendary shonen series Dragon Ball is full of emotional moments, with the following battles standing out in particular.
Beast Gohan is the strongest form of Dragon Ball's deuteragonist Son Gohan. And it makes him the strongest Z-Fighter.
Gohan unlocked a God-like new form in Dragon Ball Z, revealing a power that goes beyond the limits of a Super Saiyan.
With Goku already fully established after ‘ Dragon Ball ’ and the first plots of ‘ Dragon Ball Z ’, Akira Toriyama had in ...
This emphasizes Gohan's kind and selfless nature in Dragon ... All of this harkens back to the character's victory over Cell, which initially had Toriyama view him as the new main character ...
This is the second DLC pack to appear for Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero, not counting the pre-order bonus. The first was a Hero of Justice pack. That added 11 different characters to the game. Among them ...
He grants Ki +3 and a massive +200% boost to HP, ATK, and DEF, embodying Teen Gohan's iconic Kamehameha clash with Cell from the Cell Saga. His kit features powerful Super Attacks with stun potential, ...