Several community members shared thoughts on how the City of Hopkinsville can better serve residents next year. Mayor JR ...
Rashaad Newsome’s art exists in a space that plays with surrealism, futurism, and resistance. The multidisciplinary artist ...
Bell hooks (real name Gloria Jean Watkins) is a renowned thinker, writer, and social critic who shaped intellectual conversations about race, feminism, classism, and patriarchy. The American ...
Richmond artist and instructor Merenda Cecelia was dismissed from VMFA after reading a statement in class advocating for ...
The pushback the Grammy-winning rapper has received is largely based on misconceptions, misogyny, and prejudice ...
31. "Feminism is not a dirty word. It does not mean you hate men. It does not mean you hate girls that have nice legs and a ...
Hailed as the perfect short introduction to feminism, this book argues why the movement means better equality for all. Hooks ...
Inspired by the work of Bell Hooks, Audre Lorde, and other Black feminists and womanists, the organization addresses topics like access to reproductive health and training for doulas. OMAHA ...
The event is scheduled for Thursday, April 24, 2025. TACTWD is a campus wide event for the children and grandchildren, grades ...
My stances of love have changed, and for the better. No longer am I a cynic or a pessimist about pining after romance.
1 FUNNY STORY (Berkley, $19). By Emily Henry. Daphne, whose ex-fiancé, Peter, left her for another woman, agrees to be ...
The easy answer is that I want to be Bell Hooks (the penname of American author Gloria Jean Watkins), and Bell Hooks was a Black woman.” Zavitz also said she wished she had lived-experience of ...