Because it decays slowly — with a half-life of 5,730 years — a radiocarbon battery could theoretically last millennia. That’s ...
Lithium-ion batteries, used in consumer devices and electric vehicles, typically last hours or days between charges. However, ...
Imagine never charging your phone again or having a pacemaker that lasts a lifetime. Scientists are developing tiny nuclear ...
Scientists have developed a prototype nuclear battery using radiocarbon that could power small devices for decades without ...
Gelion plc (AIM: GELN), the global energy storage innovator, is pleased to announce a strategic cooperation agreement with ...
As nuclear energy gains public acceptance, compact nuclear batteries could bring "safe nuclear energy into devices the size of a finger.
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency has developed what it says is the world's first "uranium rechargeable battery" and that tests ...
Volt Carbon Technologies Inc. (TSXV: VCT) (OTCQB: TORVF) (BERLIN: WNF) ("VCT", "Volt" or "Volt Carbon") and Charge CCCV LLC ("C4V") are pleased to enter the next phase of collaboration in developing ...
AICE 2025 SMM (20th) Aluminum Industry Conference and Exhibition Focusing on the upstream and downstream of the industry, as ...
According to IEA data, in 2024, global EV sales increased by 25% to 17 million units, with annual battery demand surpassing 1 ...
Central to the Han L’s fast charging is its internal electrical infrastructure. It starts with the battery, which according ...