Stacey Smith with her father, Dennis, is shown with her award.
Chelsea By The Sea has a record sale price of $937,000 for an Admirals Hill townhouse. Real estate agent Jeffrey Bowen has always been one of Chelsea’s biggest boosters when it comes to promoting all ...
Family members, teachers, and friends were on hand to support 24 Boston youth from across the City competing in Boston’s 17th annual BCYF Citywide Spelling Bee including Alexandra Amaya of Chelsea.
NeighborHealth, Massachusetts’ largest community-based primary care health system, has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Health Resources and Services ...
Chelsea was one of 10 communities in the state recently awarded money for being in compliance with the MBTA Communities Act, which calls for the creation of new multifamily housing districts in ...
City Manager Fidel Maltez recently announced that construction for the Downtown Broadway Project will no longer take place on Fridays as the project contractors will transition to a four-day work week ...
PepsiCo, the international food conglomerate, reported last month that the company’s North American snacks business, which makes Doritos, Cheetos, and Lay’s potato chips, saw a 3% dip (pun intended) ...
We recently saw a chart that was incredibly depressing: Even though the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) by the United States has decreased by about 15% since 2000, the rest of the world has ...
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Aeronautics Division has announced the successful completion of flights by three companies, which conducted drone medical delivery ...
A group of Chelsea High School students currently enrolled in the Early College Program at Bunker Hill Community College visited State Representative Judith García at the State House last week during ...
In a closely contested battle of Chelsea first responders (Chelsea Police Department vs Chelsea Fire Department) Chelsea Fire came out victorious over Chelsea Police, 47-44, for the second year in a ...