The Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee chief has appealed to Akal Takht jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh to confer the prestigious ...
Family members and friends of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gathered for a remembrance event at India Habitat Centre.
The memorial service was hosted by Singh’s family. His wife Gursharan Kaur, daughters Upinder Singh, Daman Singh and Amrit ...
Speaker after speaker described Manmohan Singh as one of India’s greatest prime ministers, and yet a humble man.
India’s former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, widely regarded as the architect of India’s economic reform program and a ...
Former Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh passed away at the age of 92. Here's a deep look into his legacy, which proves ...
A prayer meet at Gurudwara Rakab Ganj was held in memory of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, attended by several ...
Manmohan Singh, in his own words, was an ‘accidental’ finance minister. Narasimha Rao’s first choice as finance minister was ...
He pushed economic reforms as India’s finance minister, then abandoned them when he led the government.
The veteran leader, who was also credited for a landmark nuclear deal with the United States, died late Thursday at age 92.
Country announced seven-day mourning period and has cancelled all cultural and entertainment events in the coming week ...
Authorities in India have declared a seven-day mourning period to honor Manmohan Singh as politicians and public paid ...