New right-wing Belgian Prime Minister Bart De Wever said he wants to cool the European Union's "regulatory fervour" to boost corporate competitiveness and that European Union defences should remain ...
Over the past two decades, Wallonia has emerged as a global powerhouse of cell therapy and regenerative medicine research and development. Situated in the heart of Europe, the Belgian region of ...
Wallonian energy regulator the Commission wallonne pour l'Energie (CWaPE) has announced a long-trailed grid fee will be applied to energy ‘prosumers' from Thursday, although the charge will be ...
The Ministry of Education has issued a notification regarding the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Dual Exchange (ASEM-DUO) ...
Le gouvernement wallon a approuvé fin octobre un plan baptisé "Food Wallonia" visant à accélérer la transition vers une alimentation durable à l'horizon 2025. Ce plan, composé de 19 actions ...
Wallonia reached a cumulative installed solar power of 916 MW at the end of 2016, according to provisional numbers released by Belgian renewable energy association Apere.
Two days after the fantastic opening weekend of the Flemish spring, the action continues in Belgium, but this time at the ...
The scholarship aims to promote exchanges of Professors/Researchers between Belgium Wallonia-Brussels and Asian ASEM member ...
La R Wallonia Libin l' ES Villance, à l'occasion d'un match des Réserves série F (Luxembourg). La R Wallonia Libin a gagné face à son concurrent sur le score fleuve de 5 à 0.
Sur un score de 1 à 0, le RCS Sart Tilman a gagné le match de la 17ème journée l'opposant à la R Wallonia Club Sibret à ...
Près d’un mois après le lancement de "Get up Wallonia", Elio di Rupo a invité ce vendredi des influenceurs et influenceuses à présenter les propositions qui leur ont été soumises pour ...