In WWI the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) in France estimated it would need 40,000 nurses; it would get less than half.
Further Resources Hennen M. Sanford, The Mail of the A.E.F. American Expeditionary Forces (The American Philatelic Society: Maryland, 1940). Kathryn Burke, "Letter Writing in America: World War I ...
I’ve always been interested in learning more about Company G from World War I. My grandma, Joan (Peters) Loy, had a brother who served with Company G. His name was William Isaac “Ike” Peters and he ...
“The women of the WW1 U.S. Army Signal Corps ... skills to offer to become bilingual telephone operators for the AEF,” said Catherine Bourgin, Grandaughter of Edmee LeRoux, WW1 U.S. Army ...