In the declaration on the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations (resolution ... to continue the work to revitalize the Assembly and requested the Secretary-General ...
The Assembly also considers and approves financial ... The process of informals at the Fifth Committee An article from the UN Chronicle written in March 2002 by Vikram Sura, shedding some light ...
The United States joined Russia to vote against a UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine ...
TASS/. The UN General Assembly (UN GA) has adopted a US draft resolution concerning the conflict in Ukraine, while simultaneously introducing several anti-Russian amendments, according to a TASS ...
TASS/. The United Nations General Assembly on Monday passed a Russia-initiated draft resolution on combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling ...
He also noted that the UN's effectiveness in addressing ... 77-335 on the revitalization of the work of the GA called on the President of the General Assembly to provide a digital handbook on ...
The US has twice sided with Russia in votes at the United Nations to mark the third anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, highlighting the Trump administration's change of stance on the war.
May 25 each year has now been declared World Football Day. This follows a United Nations General Assembly resolution on Tuesday, May 7 to allow football fans to celebrate the most popular sport in ...
The statement of the Presidium of the Council of the Republic and the Council of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly ...
In a dramatic shift in transatlantic relations under President Donald Trump, the United States has split with its European ...