It’s been no secret that repeated bumps to the head—even trivial ones—can have long-lasting consequences. Football players, ...
A groundbreaking study has revealed a concerning connection between falls in older adults and an increased risk of dementia. The research indicates that seniors who experience traumatic falls ...
Researchers at the University of Manchester are using MRI scans to better predict the progression of dementia Hamied Haroon, leading on this research, will speak at the British Science Festival at the ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) An AI model utilizing MRI scans can measure the rate of brain aging, offering a non-invasive method to track cognitive decline and dementia. This model, based on ...
A car accident. A football tackle. An unfortunate fall. These things—and more—can cause head injuries. Head injuries can happen to anyone, at any age, and they can damage the brain.