The windfall for the descendants of harness maker Thierry Hermes, who started a workshop in 1837, comes more than a decade after they nearly lost control of the company to Arnault, who had ...
"They've never gone after volume." Like every generation before them (they are the great-great-great grandsons of founder Thierry Hermès), the Dumas cousins apprenticed in Hermès' atelier ...
Rien moins que cinq générations se sont succédées à sa tête et l'histoire continue. Thierry Hermès est l'inventeur de la marque. Né en Allemagne, il rejoint la France avec ses parents.
The only question is, valuation. Let's dive in. From the day it was founded in 1873 by Thierry Hermès, the French house has become the epitome of luxury. Still owned by the founding family ...
I think that Hermès has the same vision. Whether it's beauty or leather goods, or silk, it's more about revealing the personality rather than masking and transforming it. When Thierry Hermès founded ...
Démonstration. Hermès, c’est avant tout une histoire de famille. Initiée en 1837 par Thierry Hermès, alors sellier et harnacheur, la marque dispose d’une petit boutique d’équipements ...