This day is known as Pentecost and the beginning of the church age. That first pouring out of the Spirit happened fifty days ...
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And ...
Pentecost, said Fr. Louis Cona of New York, is the "preeminent celebration of the Holy Spirit" — and is celebrated on Sunday, May 19, seven weeks after Easter. Cona is a priest of the Diocese of ...
The Bible story of Pentecost is retold - with a twist ... (Take suggestions of what we can do to get ready for the day and build up our energy. Suggestions might include: getting enough sleep ...
Pentecost is the day for Christians to remember the coming of the Holy Spirit. In the video the apostles witness a strange event, including a mighty rushing wind and tongues of fire, which they ...
In Pentecost, David Attenborough marvels at a ... Sir David Attenborough's amazing programmes from the 1950s to the present day.
Pentecost was an important Jewish festival which celebrated the harvest. Often Jews would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate in the capital city. Pentecost was celebrated fifty days after the ...
Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter and is when Christians remember the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third part of the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The ...
Preparatory School in the Atiwa District of the Eastern Region triumphed over rival schools in the 68th Independence Day ...
Pentecost was an important Jewish festival which marked the harvest. Often Jews would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate in the capital city. Those same disciples are staying in Jerusalem when a ...