Oslo-listed BW Offshore has agreed the sale of one of its floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels for $125m ...
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The SeaRose FPSO is now back in business at the White Rose oilfield in the Newfoundland offshore. The massive floating ...
Murphy Oil CEO Hambly said the FPSO’s location in the Wilcox trend allows for “operated and non-operated exploration prospects to tie back to a cost-advantaged facility.” ...
Yinson Holdings Bhd is expected to be a key beneficiary of the floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel ...
BW Offshore has signed an agreement for the sale of the FPSO BW Pioneer for $125 million to a subsidiary of Murphy Oil ...
BW Offshore sells FPSO BW Pioneer to Murphy Oil subsidiary for USD 125 mln. Find the latest news from the maritime industry on the PortNews website.
After a year and a half of integration and commissioning in Singapore at the Seatrium shipyard, the Bacalhau FPSO sailed for about two months before reaching the pre-salt field. “With the ...
Sale of FPSO BW Pioneer with five-year O&M contract with the buyer. BW Offshore has signed an agreement for the sale of the FPSO BW Pioneer for USD 125 million to a subsidiary of ...
Petrobras S.A. PBR, the Brazilian state-owned energy giant, has announced that the Alexandre de Gusmão floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, slated to work on the Mero field, has ...