The use of gabapentinoids -- gabapentin and pregabalin (Lyrica) -- has climbed in the U.S. since the drugs were first approved. Common side effects of gabapentin include somnolence, dizziness ...
While its exact mechanism of action is unknown, pregabalin is a γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) analogue with structural similarity and actions similar to gabapentin (Figure 1). a The three most ...
Ask most health professionals what you can do to prevent or delay dementia, and you will likely be told to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, control your blood pressure, blood sugar and ...
some results related to pregabalin (such as gabapentin) suggest that binding to the alpha2-delta subunit may be involved in pregabalin's anti-nociceptive and antiseizure effects in animals.
some results related to pregabalin (such as gabapentin) suggest that binding to the alpha2-delta subunit may be involved in pregabalin's anti-nociceptive and antiseizure effects in animals.
Although pregabalin is mechanistically similar to gabapentin and shares similar advantages, such as a lack of pharmacokinetic interactions with other medications or enzyme induction, there are ...