With enormous, cheap energy at its disposal, the human population grew rapidly ... the age when the "global environmental effects of increased human population and economic development" dominate ...
Weak population gains and increased government spending will result in slower overall economic growth over the next 30 years, ...
However, once the incipient colony grows to a certain size its potential to spread increases dramatically (Taylor 2004). Allee effects are a small population phenomenon in which population growth ...
A new report on population growth and sustainable development from the Population Division of UN DESA revisits the complex relationships linking population increase to social and economic ...
competition effects doubled, causing a dramatic 50% population decline at the highest tested temperature. While moderate ...
Foreign-born people like Lukambo and Dauphin have been essential to Columbus’ population growth and economy in ... still debate the size of this effect, though most agree it is small.
Strong growth in its working-age population over ... China's shrinking working-age population has enormous, direct effects on the global economy. It's also an omen for the US and Europe: If ...
The U.S. Census Bureau reported that California’s population started growing ... a major revision could help California break its addiction to growth. Proposition 13 prevents communities from ...
This increase can be clearly seen in a graph of human population. Scientists are unsure whether this population increase will continue for ever. Some think that the human population will continue ...