Near-future levels of ocean acidification could become corrosive enough to erode the shells of some animals. Even animals that don’t need to build shells — such as fish and squid — can be affected by ...
Acidification has myriad effects ... stating that they were "deeply concerned by recent, rapid changes in ocean chemistry," which could within decades "severely affect marine organisms, food ...
What is the 'other carbon dioxide problem'? How are humans driving changes in the chemistry of the ocean, and what might this mean for marine ecosystems in the future?
Princeton University and Xiamen University researchers report that in tropical and subtropical oligotrophic waters, ocean ...
Dehradun: Ocean acidification is accelerating at an alarming rate, with ocean surface pH declining globally at –0.
In 2006, by the time scientist Sarah Cooley finished graduate school in marine science, oyster larvae in the Pacific ...
Marine biologists say sea life off the SoCal coast is in danger of being wiped out, and they say more frequent toxic algae ...
they also affect the chemistry of the oceans. When saltwater absorbs carbon dioxide, it becomes acidic, which alters the aquatic animal ecosystem. But how exactly does ocean acidification impact ...
The rising CO 2 levels and ocean acidification also reduce the formation ... researcher at CEREGE and the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, emphasized the implications of the findings, saying ...
We are investigating the timing of these switches and their relationship to changing seawater chemistry. The biomineral used also has relevance in the context of contemporary ocean acidification as ...