Over years of working with Excel, I have stumbled upon a collection of functions that have transformed my workflow. These ...
Microsoft Excel gets new features on a fairly regular ... In a blog post, Microsoft unveiled the TRIMRANGE function. It basically acts as an enhancement to the existing LEN function, such that ...
Unlock the power of GROUPBY in Excel! Combine tables, create dynamic fields, and perform scalable data analysis with this ...
An Insert Function dialog box will appear. Inside the dialog box, in the section Select a Category, select Lookup and Reference from the list box. In Microsoft Excel, a column runs horizontally ...
While using Microsoft Excel for data analysis, you may sometimes need to search for and retrieve specific values. In such cases, Excel's LOOKUP function can be extremely useful. It allows you to ...
Excel’s UNIQUE function allows users to extract unique values from a dataset, making it easier to identify and remove duplicates. This column shows how to use the Data Table option in Excel’s What-If ...
Join Taylor, the SSC’s Microsoft Excel Guru, and learn more about how to effectively use the basic functions of Excel.
Beyond basic functions, this bundle shows users how to use Excel ... so learning any of these skills could streamline your workflow regardless of industry. The Complete Microsoft Excel Training Bundle ...
From basic to advanced spreadsheets, pivot tables, formulas, and more, Microsoft Excel is the everyday workhorse behind data management. Create from-scratch spreadsheets, or choose from a variety of ...