Trapped in Harpers Ferry, John Brown made his last stand against the U.S. Army. His fight for freedom would change history ...
1812 The War of 1812: A 12-year-old John Brown travels through the Michigan wilderness to deliver a herd of cattle. He lodged with a man who owned a boy slave. Brown was treated well, but the ...
But as the catchy verse traveled to other units, it was known only as a song about the John Brown who was captured at Harpers Ferry. New verses were constantly added: Old John Brown's body is a ...
Senate Representative Preston Brooks caning Senator Charles Sumner for his speech on "The Crime Against Kansas" is an event that showed how polarized the nation had become over slavery. An event that ...
John Brown was a man of action -- a man who would not be deterred from his mission of abolishing slavery. On October 16, 1859, he led 21 men on a raid of the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry ...
But throughout the North, church bells tolled for John Brown. In Massachusetts, Henry David Thoreau proclaimed, "This morning, Captain Brown was hung. He is not Old Brown any longer; he is an ...
John Brown was initially reluctant to join his sons in Kansas. He was 55, an old man by the actuarial tables of his day. He seemed worn down, broken by a lifetime of failures and disappointments.
John Brown was in town; it was time to go over the plan. Much had changed in the year since Sanborn first met Brown. At that time the 26-year-old Harvard grad had been acting as secretary for ...
As with everything John Brown did, he approached business with ... He remarried a year later to sixteen-yezr-old Mary Day who would look after his five children and bear thirteen of her own.