In higher education classrooms, instructors constantly strive to understand what motivates and shapes student behavior. Yet, many educators remain reluctant to acknowledge one fundamental truth: All ...
The bill is based on debunked claims that public schools were encouraging so-called furries. Lawmakers have used the claims ...
A common interest in language unites social scientists and natural language processing (NLP) researchers. While both fields leverage the strong connection between language and behavior, social ...
Even though human behavior and emotions fall within a defined range of expressions, one puzzle remains: why aren’t these ...
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Social Sciences has gone in this seventeenth edition to social ...
A Texas bill would ban students from dressing or acting like animals in school, including wearing tails, using litter boxes, ...
In a set of articles appearing in Perspectives on Psychological Science, an international array of scientists discusses how ...
A cutting-edge humidity sensing system has been unveiled, capable of monitoring human behaviors in real-time through the ...
Even within the sanctuary of protected conservation areas, the rhythms of life are changing for carnivores in Mexico's ...