Converting between currencies when you're traveling can make it difficult to know exactly how much ... fees, can lead to surprises when you see your card or bank statement. Uber now has a feature ...
The new pricing option makes it easier for riders to know how much they’re paying ... you a 3% foreign transaction fee. In this case, choosing the 1.5% through Uber would make sense.
Agreements that Massport reached with Lyft and Uber on new passenger fees for rides to and from Boston's Logan International ...
With an Uber One membership, consumers get a $0 delivery fee on eligible Uber Eats orders, 10% off eligible Uber Eats orders, and 5% off Uber rides, among other perks. The Uber One membership ...
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: UBER) today announced a major expansion of its grocery delivery offering with the addition of FreshDirect, the leading online fresh food ...