The name and branding also changed: his bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, came up with the name "Coca-Cola" and its now-iconic script logo. Though he was able to sell the syrup to soda fountains in ...
Since the early 1890s, Coca Cola has sported its iconic red packaging. Frank Mason Robinson, the man who actually named the drink, also designed its logo and crafted its color palette to maximize ...
Since the early 1890s, Coca-Cola has been recognized by its distinctive red packaging. This color, along with its logo, was designed by Frank Mason Robinson to maximize brand recognition.
Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson, decided that Coca-Cola's logo should be written in the Spencerian script, which accountants used, because it would differentiate it from its competitors.
2. Its logo uses a timeless font. Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson, decided that Coca-Cola's logo should be written in the Spencerian script accountants used because it would ...