Preacher curls are great for targeting the brachialis, the muscle between the biceps and triceps that adds thickness to your arms. It responds well to preacher curls because they ...
Wrist rotations are a simple yet effective exercise to enhance flexibility. To do this exercise, stretch your arm forward with the palm facing down. Slowly rotate your wrist clockwise ten times, ...
A hammer curl is one of the most common isolated gym exercises targeted toward growing the bicep muscle. Performing isolated ...
If there’s an exercise that dominates the gym floor when it comes to building bulging biceps, it’s the bicep curl and, rightly so. Not only is it incredibly effective, hitting the biceps ...
Sit on the cable row machine, place your feet on the platform, and bend your knees slightly. Grab the handle with both hands and sit up tall, keeping your chest up and shoulders back. Pull the handle ...
Wrist curls are a straightforward exercise that can help strengthen the flexor muscles of the forearms. Sit on a bench, place your forearms on your thighs, palms facing up with a dumbbell in each hand ...
About reps and sets What is a repetition? A repetition (or rep) is one complete exercise movement. For instance, one dumbbell curl. What is a set? A set is a certain number of repetitions.
One of the easiest ways to target your arm muscles is with a classic bicep curl. Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, keeping ...
The bicep curl and hammer curl are two of the most popular exercises you’ll see on the gym floor. But which is the most effective at adding inches to your biceps? With the help of an expert ...