By Maxwell Radwin Deforestation in Paraguay’s Gran Chaco, driven largely by agribusiness and infrastructure development, ...
SÃO PAULO, Brazil – In Bolivia, the killing of an Indigenous leader and the ensuing detention of another Indigenous man for being allegedly responsible for the crime have mobilized members of ...
In December 2005, Evo Morales made history in Bolivia when he became the country ... America and has the highest proportion of indigenous people on the continent – they had been marginalised ...
Throughout the highlands of Peru and Bolivia indigenous and many non-indigenous people fear that rural paths are haunted by the fat-stealer, a malevolent figure who lies in wait for nocturnal ...
Today, with financial and technical support from the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Indigenous Peoples' community of Porvenir ...
The election of Evo Morales in 2005 as Bolivia’s first indigenous president ... South America and has the highest proportion of indigenous people on the continent – they had been marginalised ...