An aggressive coyote “dragged” a 4-year-old girl to the ground while she was just inches from the front door of her family’s ...
The United States is filled with animals that attack people, and you might think Florida is the state with the most animal ...
A pit bull named Hercules has attacked multiple people and pets over the past year, yet authorities have struggled to ...
With crocodile attacks on the rise in the Central Mamuju district of Indonesia’s West Sulawesi, where the Budong-Budong River ...
Lowe began “bleeding badly,” claiming that the cut was “so deep” that blood was “squirting” for a couple feet. While Lowe ...
The measure, sharply criticised by fans, includes preventing bullfighters from using spades and swords to attack the animals.
It was a chilling video. A jogger on a trail near Provo, Utah, happened upon a female cougar and her very young kittens. Mama ...
It bit his ears, paws, front legs, and mouth. Her kids were getting ready for school at the time and saw the whole thing.
The coyotes' eight-day reign of terror in Bellevue included biting a child’s hand in Factoria on Tuesday evening.
Sean Lowe hasn’t had the best of luck when it comes to family pets. In April 2023, the former Bachelor revealed that he and ...
In the Central Mamuju district of Indonesia’s West Sulawesi, where the Budong-Budong River meets the sea, people have long feared crocodiles.