Prezydent Andrzej Duda podpisał tzw ... a na pomoc dla dotkniętych przez powódź firm zarezerwowano miliard złotych. Nowela przewiduje też zwiększenie do tysiąca złotych zasiłku dla ...
Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has again called on the United States to deploy nuclear weapons to Poland as a deterrent to ...
President Trump is expected to meet with Polish President Andrzej Duda on Saturday amid discussions about the Ukraine war, according to two sources familiar with the plans. Duda, a right-wing ...
Ahead of the visit, President Andrzej Duda called on other members of the NATO alliance to raise their spending on defense to 3 percent of their GDP as Russia puts its own economy on a war footing ...
Polish President Andrzej Duda will travel to Washington Saturday to meet US President Donald Trump as the talks to end the war in Ukraine gather momentum, a person familiar with the matter said.