If you’re in your 30s, 40s or 50s, dementia might feel like a distant concern, something you associate with advanced age.
A recent study determined the lifetime risk of developing dementia is double that of previous estimates. But there’s good ...
For some people with a high risk of Alzheimer's who received a drug called gantenerumab for eight years, their risk of ...
Dementia is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide, leading to memory loss, confusion, and ...
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is characterized by a host of recognizable cognitive symptoms, but many non-cognitive symptoms like ...
Research shows experimental anti-amyloid drug reduced cognitive symptom risk by 50% in people with rare genetic mutations ...
New research identifies 16 genes linked to Alzheimer's risk while experts emphasize powerful lifestyle changes that could ...
A long-term human trial has found that a discontinued drug halved the presentation of early-onset Alzheimer's disease in ...
With spring in Connecticut comes the persistent whine and pungent exhaust fumes of gas-powered leaf blowers as they prepare ...
A new study established a link between these common mouth bacteria and an increased dementia risk. Here's what to know about ...
For the study, the researchers gave the study participants an experimental anti-amyloid drug. They found that 22 participants ...
While research has determined that there is no association between having AMD and then developing Alzheimer's or dementia, ...