Sting was without his usual face paint, and he had grown a goatee with grey hair. The former AEW star's look in his recent photos may be a preview of how fans will be seeing him moving forward.
The company recently acknowledged AEW star Sting in a post on social media. In 2014, Sting made his WWE debut and set up a huge rivalry against Triple H. The feud culminated in a No Holds Barred ...
Earlier this month at AEW Revolution, Sting performed in the final match of his career at the Greensboro Coliseum, successfully retaining the AEW World Tag Team Championship with Darby Allin ...
Sting was without his usual face paint, and he had grown a goatee with grey hair. The former AEW star's look in his recent photos may be a preview of how fans will be seeing him moving forward. He ...