An ad hoc committee will review and synthesize current research on the nature of deeper learning and 21st century skills and will address the following: Define the set of key skills that are ...
In the face of rapid AI, advancements and a dwindling pool of traditional jobs, globally, and learning will not be just a ...
The classroom of the 21st Century must be reimagined as a dynamic, technology-enhanced learning environment. With virtual classrooms, augmented reality, and project-based learning becoming more ...
MANCHESTER, CT — The Connecticut State Department of Education recently announced the recipients of the 21st Century Community Learning Center grants and a school in Manchester was included.
The event runs from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday at South Bend's Community Learning Center in the St. Joe County Public Library, 305 S. Michigan St. High schoolers who are 21st Century Scholars ...